Wednesday, May 9, 2012

ABC Wednesday: Q is for . . .

~ Quote ~

I think about this quote a lot .  I took the background photo last weekend.  And here's another awesome quote that I love.    

To see more members, see Denise Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY website HERE


  1. Footprints on the moon, I like that! And the Mark Twain quote is one of the best. I really like the photo you took to be background to these great quotes!

    Q is a tough letter; it's fun to see what people do for it. Hope you have having a great week!

    1. Hi Annie, thanks so much for liking my Q. You had an awesome post!

      The Footprints on the moon quote is pretty cool. I wish I knew who wrote it. Seeing what people did with Q will be fun. I'm already worried about my X....

      Have a great week.

  2. Wonderful quotes Kathy -- hope you're having a great week!

    1. Hi Sandra, thank so much for liking my quotes...well they're not actually mine. :)

      I really enjoyed your post on Umbria. Have a great week!


It's me Trekcapri (aka Kathy). Thanks so much for visiting and leaving a comment.