Welcome to Trekcapri's Camino de Santiago
If you would like to follow along, you can check out my Blog Posts in the link below. I will also be posting on my other Social Media site (see all links below).
Below, I have embedded my Camino Google Map of my planned stages. Please feel free to follow along.
My Camino de Santiago Social Media Sites:
Trekcapri's Bog Camino Posts
Trekcapri's Twitter Camino de Santiago Tweets
Trekcapri's Pinterest Camino de Santiago Board
Why Am I walking the Camino de Santiago
Some people do it for the adventure or the enjoyment of walking, some do it for spiritual/religious reasons, some do it to resolve current or life's problems, some do it for the love of Spain and some do it to "find their way".
I honestly can't explain why at this juncture in my life it is important for me to walk the Camino de Santiago. All I know is that ever since learning of this pilgrimage, I knew that I wanted to do it. There is a great quote that I read about in a book I was reading and it pretty much sums it up for me:
I honestly can't explain why at this juncture in my life it is important for me to walk the Camino de Santiago. All I know is that ever since learning of this pilgrimage, I knew that I wanted to do it. There is a great quote that I read about in a book I was reading and it pretty much sums it up for me:
Why do I deal with the dry dust in my mouth,
The mud on my aching feet,
The mud on my aching feet,
The lashing rain and the glaring sun on my skin?
Because of the beautiful towns?
Because of the churches?
Because of the food?
No. Because I was summoned!
~ Anonymous
Cruz de Ferro:
At the highest point on the Camino (1500 feet) there is the Cruz de Ferro. Legend has it that when the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela was being built, pilgrims were asked to contribute by bringing a stone. Here, the modern day pilgrim stops to place a stone which they brought to Spain from their homes at the base of the Cruz de Ferro. The stone symbolizes what the pilgrim wants to leave behind and once their stone is left and a brief prayer is said (as in the movie the Way), the pilgrim is free from whatever troubles they left on their stones to continue their Camino de Santiago Pilgrimage.
Lord, may this stone,
symbol of my efforts on the pilgrimage
that I lay at the foot of the cross of the Saviour,
one day weigh the balance in favour of my good deeds
when the deeds of my life are judged.
Let it be so.