The goal is simple, blog each and every day for the entire month of February. Annie said that it's a lot fun and that was enough reason for me to join the challenge. So starting tomorrow, I will post an entry every day during the month of February.
So what can you expect from me? Well, after looking at some of my old posts, you can probably expect just about anything. I can get a little goofy, I'll post photos, I'll do maybe a movie review or two, I'll write about any subject that peaks my curiosity and I may also write about my quest to adopt a cute kitty (little Ronda!). Oh, and I must warn you about my American Idol obsession! Yes, I love that show! I will mainly talk about travel (including my next travel plans), because that is my passion and to borrow a term from another blogger I tend to enter the "Inner Vertical Descent" on that topic! I will share stories of my experiences and post photos not only of my recent trip to Spain but also on my other travels. I will even venture to share a few embarrassing travel moments. I think this will be a great challenge for me to blog everyday, but I will also enjoy reading everyone's blog a lot!
And in honor of Annie's exciting February Blog Everyday Challenge on Slow Travel, I created a Photo of the Month Graphic!
You can check out all the other awesome Bloggers in the challenge and also all of my Favorite Bloggers listed on my side bar to the right.
Happy blogging everyone!
Hi Kathy,
ReplyDeleteYour Photo of the Month graphic is just too cool, I love it! And I'm so glad you're joining in the challenge this year. Can't wait to read about your most embarassing moments, old trips, future travel plans, AI and anything else that strikes your fancy. And of course, I'm hoping that there will be some kitten photos coming soon too.
I've got a few posts ready to go...Venice of course but also a few NC posts. I'm sure Maria and LuLu will be making an appearance on my blog at some point too. :)
Hope you're having a great weekend - and Happy Super Bowl tomorrow!
Hi again, you asked me about those statues on Torcello. After you walk by the two churches, you come to this grassy area and if you keep walking straight, you come to a canal. Well, on the left side there is this large fenced-in garden area with rose bushes and grapevines, and lots of statues including those I posted. Since I was there in winter, the garden was pretty sparse - I'd love to see what it looks like in warmer weather.
ReplyDeleteKinda funny that some of the photohunters thought those statues were creepy! I just thought they were cool-looking but I can understand why they thought that too!
Happy weekend!
Hi Annie, glad you like the graphic. I kind of giggle everytime I see it. I'm looking so forward to more Venice discoveries and NC posts on your blog. And definitely more Lulu & Maria posts! They are such cuties!
ReplyDeleteI'm still debating on which embarrassing travel moment to post about (I unfortunately have quite a few to select from). BTW, I got that idea from Sandra's lunch episode and your locked in the church episode!
Thanks for telling me about the Torcello Statues. No wonder I didn't notice them. I didn't adventure past the churches. Now I'm bummed that I missed that. Annie, you have a knack at finding all the hidden and out of the way cool things when traveling.
I did find the responses you recieved to your photo hunt very interesting. It's so cool how everyone has such different perspectives on things. And I find reading them kind of interesting too.
Yes tomorrow is the big Superbowl festivities (aka, parties!) and the start of your Blog Every Day Challenge! Can't wait to see what everyone blogs about! Heck I can't wait to see what I come up with too (since I only have 3 drafts stockpiled) Ha ha! Whoo hoo!
Have an awesome weekend Annie!
Hi Kathy,
ReplyDeleteI LOVE your photo of the month graphic!! You are very talented. Do you do computer graphics at work?
I counted 23 participating. I don't think Baked Alaska and Happy Trails For Us are participating. I also added Marcia's Happy Trails at first getting this blog confused with Kaydee's The Trail's Our Thing blog.
So have you been stockpiling? I have been so burnt out after finally completing all the work for my class that I have been pretty worthless all week. I even took a midday nap today! I think I better get started now though to have a few posts ready in case I have a crazy long day at work.
Hi Kathy,
ReplyDeleteI love your photo of the month graphic! Very cool! I enjoyed reading about all the ideas and themes you have for February. I can't wait to hear about your next travel plans. Italy???
I hope February brings you little Ronda. Wouldn't it be awesome if you bring her home on Valentine's Day?
This is going to be such a fun and challenging month. I think that I'm done with Spain so I'll probably be blogging very slowly about my trip to Morocco and Venice. I'll also post some photos of the wedding but that'll come later, when I come back to a normal life.
Happy weekend and enjoy the festivities tomorrow. (I'm not a fan and probably will just watch the half-time show. I know, it's the hometown team but I don't like football.)
Hi Girasoli, glad you liked the graphic. The graphic is really simple to make and I use a Digital Photography Scrapbooking program. I dabble and am no where as good as Leslie. I do Christmas postcards and photo albums and things like that and it's great fun!
ReplyDeleteThanks for correcting me on the number. I'll make the correction. Not sure how that happened. :)
You know looking at all these great blog names, I really wish that I would've taken the time to come up with a really cool name for my blog other than "Trekcapri's Blog"...boring!
Yes, I have done 3 drafts but am currently working on 2 more. Usually, topics will pop up in my head and I'll be like...I should write about that someday! Well, now I hop on the computer or find my little notebook to jot down the idea. I'll also use some of the great ideas on Jerry's thread.
Glad that you finally finisthed your class project and now you can relax and have fun blogging!
Have a great Sunday Girasoli!
Hi Maria, glad you liked my graphic! :) It makes me giggle everytime I see it. I agree that it would be really nice for Ronda to arrive this month and on Valetine's Day. My quest continues and I'll be hopefully visiting the other agency next weekend...
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed your Spain entries a lot and I am looking forward to your Morocco and Venice entries. And it will definitely be very nice to see photos of the wedding! I'm sure they will be beautiful.
That's right, Arizona Cardinals is in the Superbowl! I do like football, but I tend to look forward to the traditions and festivities more than the game itself. :) I'm looking forward to the half time show too! Should be very good.
Enjoy the half time show and have a great Sunday Maria!
I would love to learn how you do those graphics one day. Did you find it all on the web?
ReplyDeleteI like your blog name. It is "you". But if you really want to change it, you should. That could even be a whole blog post. I changed my blog name after a few months once I decided to keep blogging after my trip. My first name was really boring ...can't even remember it now! I think it was something like Venice, Bologna, Cortona, Rome, & Friends. Your blog name is much more creative than that!
Hi Girasoli, I bought a great program called Scrapbook Factory Deluxe. I got it at Costco, but that was more than a year ago and I haven't seen it being sold there since. But I'm sure you can find it in a store that sells computer software.
ReplyDeleteI think I remember reading your blog with it's original name. I really like your current blog title a lot. It fits you just like everyone's blog titles too.
I would change my blog title too, but I just wouldn't know what to name it? I'm not sure that I can think of something that would fit me or my style of blogging. :)
So I think I'll just be happy with Trekcapri for now. :)
Thanks for saying that you like my blog name!