Friday, April 2, 2010

PhotoHunt: Sweet

The "Sweet Victory" of success can be achieved by those who dare to dream and say yes we can . . .

Decent health care is a fundamental human right and the fulfillment of that right is not only the right thing to do but it is the most compassionate thing we can do as a society. To do otherwise is just so wrong.

"We will pass reform that lowers cost, promotes choice, and provides coverage that every American can count on. And we will do it this year." ~ President Barack Obama

This is a re-posted photo but the words, "Sweet Victory", was one of the first things that popped into my head for this week's theme and this image followed soon after. During the 2008 Presidential campaign, I joined my blogging friends who launched a cyberspace campaign and my cycling friends who organized a ride for change along a popular bike route in Redondo Beach California to spread the word for change. In more ways than one, it was a sweet ride to Victory!

See more PhotoHunters HERE!

Happy Easter!


  1. Cool photo and a great way to represent the theme.

    Wishing you a happy and blessed Easter!

  2. Good and different take on the theme. Yes - it was a sweet victory. I just hope nothing happens to take it away.

  3. Great photo. That ocean view is pretty sweet too. Hope you have a happy Easter!

  4. Great take, Kathy! It is invigorating to become active in political causes that we care so much about and see some change going on. Keep on truckin'! m

  5. Amen! Love this blog post and agree completely!!

  6. Hi Everyone, thanks so much for your comments....

    Maria, I'm glad you liked my photo and take on the theme. I had a wonderful Easter. I hope yours was blessed and happy to.

    Marta, glad you liked my take. I hope nothing happens to it too.

    Annie, I'm glad you liked my photo and I totally agree, the ocean view is oh so sweet. I had a wonderful Easter. I hope your Easter was happy too.

    M, glad you like my take. It was invigorating writing it. I shall definitely keep on truckin'...

    Girasoli, double amen! You know it girl! :) And PS, for you and M, congrats on the Red Sox pulling out their own sweet victory yesterday. Whoo hoo.

    Thanks again everyone. And I hope you all had a wonderful Easter and weekend.

  7. Hi Everyone, thanks so much for your comments...

    Maria, I'm glad you liked my take. I hope you had a happy and blessed Easter too!

    Marta, a sweet victory which I also hope stays that way too.

    Annie, I'm glad you liked my photo and you're right the ocean is pretty sweet. Hope you had a happy Easter too.

    M, glad you like my take. So true, It felt invigorating writing this post. I shall gladly keep on truckin'.

    Girasoli, double amen! You know it girl!

    Thanks so much again everyone for your comments...


It's me Trekcapri (aka Kathy). Thanks so much for visiting and leaving a comment.