Friday, November 11, 2011

PhotoHunt: Two

I've posted this photo before but I just couldn't help using it again for this week's theme. There are two riders on this small boat cruising along the Grand Canal in Venice, Italy. 

And I think we all know who is in charge here. :)

To see more PhotoHunters, you can visit Tnchick's website HERE!

Scheduled Post

Thank you so much for visiting my PhotoHunt post this week.  I am currently en route to Rome so this is a scheduled post.  I am not sure if I will have consistent internet access while in Italy, so I have scheduled the next 3 PhotoHunt posts just in case I am not able to post them manually.   

I should have some internet service during the trip and I am looking forwarding to seeing everyone's take on these upcoming themes.

I have a feeling that my first Live Post from Rome should be coming up today . . .  :)


  1. I love love love this photo! Yes, the fluffy happy one is in charge. Hope you are having a fun time on your way to Rome and that internet will be working when you get there.

  2. Trust that you'll have more great times in the country you evidently love a lot. :)


It's me Trekcapri (aka Kathy). Thanks so much for visiting and leaving a comment.